15 Things to Know Before You Try Raw Veganism

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Thinking about diving into the world of raw veganism? Here’s everything you need to know before you take the plunge into this fresh and exciting lifestyle!

1. It’s a Big Change in Your Diet

A colorful salad bowl filled with a variety of fresh vegetables. The ingredients include sliced tomatoes, radishes, carrots, avocado, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, and red cabbagePin

Switching to raw veganism means completely overhauling your current eating habits. 

It requires a complete rethink of your approach to food, including where you shop, what you buy and how you prepare your meals.

This change also involves a mental shift, as you’ll be constantly learning and adapting to ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs.

2. You Need to Plan Ahead

A woman in a kitchen slicing a fruit while smiling. She is wearing a sports bra and a comfortable hoodie, suggesting she is preparing a healthy meal or snack post-workoutPin

With raw veganism, you can’t just grab convenience foods off the shelf. You’ll need to plan your meals and snacks carefully to ensure you have enough fresh produce on hand. 

This means regular trips to the market or greengrocer and staying organised with your shopping list.

3. Not All Raw Foods Are Created Equal

A beautifully arranged salad bowl with a variety of fresh vegetables, including avocado, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, chickpeas, red cabbage, and mixed greensPin

Not all raw foods offer the same nutritional benefits. 

Some, like nuts and seeds, are calorie-dense and high in healthy fats, making them excellent for sustained energy. However, they can also be easy to overeat, leading to excessive calorie intake.

On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are typically lower in calories but high in vitamins, minerals and fibre. They can fill you up without providing enough energy if not balanced properly. 

4. You May Need Supplements


While a raw vegan diet can provide many essential nutrients, it may fall short in some areas. 

Key nutrients like vitamin B12, iron and zinc are often lacking in a raw vegan diet because they are primarily found in animal products. Deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to health issues over time.

To bridge this gap, you might need to take supplements. 

Suggested read: 14 Things to Know Before You Choose Vegan Supplements

5. Social Situations Can Be Tricky


Navigating social events on a raw vegan diet can be challenging. Dining out or attending parties may require you to explain your dietary choices and politely decline non-vegan options. 

6. Be Prepared to Explain Yourself

Many people will be curious about your raw vegan diet and might have a lot of questions. 

Be patient and ready to explain your choices and the benefits you experience. Sharing your journey can help others understand and respect your lifestyle and you might even inspire some to explore raw veganism themselves.

7. Dehydration Is a Risk

Even though raw vegan diets are rich in water-containing fruits and vegetables, dehydration can still be a concern. It’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

The high fibre content in raw foods can also increase your body’s need for water, so always keep a water bottle handy and listen to your body’s signals.

8. Budget for Fresh Produce

A vibrant display of fresh vegetables and fruits in a garden setting. The assortment includes a wicker basket filled with bell peppers, tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, a watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, and other fresh producePin

Fresh fruits and vegetables can be expensive, especially if you’re buying organic or out-of-season items. 

Be prepared for higher food shopping bills and plan your budget accordingly. Shopping at local farmers’ markets, buying in bulk and taking advantage of seasonal produce can help manage costs. 

9. Listen to Your Body

Raw veganism may not be suitable for everyone and it’s crucial to pay attention to how your body responds. 

If you feel constantly tired, weak or unwell, it might be a sign that your diet isn’t meeting your nutritional needs. 

Be open to making adjustments, whether that means adding more variety or incorporating supplements.

10. Do Your Research

Before diving into raw veganism, invest time in thorough research. Start by reading books like “The 80/10/10 Diet” by Dr. Douglas Graham and “Becoming Raw” by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina

If books aren’t your cup of tea, you can find plenty of tips online. Join online communities and forums like the Raw Vegan subreddit for tips and support from experienced raw vegans. 

11. Expect Initial Detox Symptoms

When starting a raw vegan diet, you might experience detox symptoms like headaches, fatigue or digestive changes. 

These are usually temporary and a sign that your body is adjusting to the new diet.

Stay hydrated and give yourself time to adapt, knowing that these symptoms will likely subside as your body acclimates.

12. You Could Lose Weight

A young woman holding a large mechanical bathroom scale in front of herPin

Many people experience weight loss on a raw vegan diet due to its lower calorie density and higher fibre content. 

Raw fruits and vegetables can help you feel fuller on fewer calories, which may lead to natural weight loss. 

However, it’s important to ensure you’re still getting enough nutrients and energy to support your overall health.

13. Invest in Kitchen Equipment

A woman preparing a smoothie in a blender in a kitchen. She is adding fresh ingredients, such as avocados, bananas, and leafy greens, to the blenderPin

To make your raw vegan journey easier, consider investing in some essential kitchen tools. 

A high-quality blender, food processor and dehydrator can help you prepare a variety of delicious meals and snacks. 

You’ll get to explore a wider range of recipes and maintain your commitment to the raw vegan lifestyle.

14. Diverse Recipes Are Key

To keep your raw vegan diet exciting and nutritionally balanced, it’s important to explore a variety of recipes. 

Experiment with different fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to create diverse meals. This prevents monotony and ensures you get a wide range of nutrients.

15. Monitor Your Health Regularly


Regular health check-ups are crucial when following a raw vegan diet. 

Schedule routine visits with your healthcare provider to ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs and maintaining overall health. 

Blood tests can help track important nutrients like vitamin B12, iron and calcium and make necessary adjustments if needed.


Raw veganism can transform your health and energy levels. Sticking to a well-planned raw vegan diet can lead to amazing benefits. Your skin might glow and your energy could soar! 

11 thoughts on “15 Things to Know Before You Try Raw Veganism”

  1. Just started looking into going raw and this piece had loads of info, cheers! Bit worried about the supplement part though. Anyone got tips on which ones are must-haves?

  2. I understand the appeal of raw diets, but I’m concerned about the potential nutritional gaps. did your research cover how these diets balance essential nutrients without supplements?

    • TimothyB makes a good point. I’ve been on a raw diet for 6 months now and supplementing B12 and iron. Planning is crucial to cover your nutritional needs.

  3. loving how much energy I’ve got from going raw 🌿 but this article’s right about planning. gotta think ahead more than I used to lol

  4. Interesting points on the necessity of diverse recipes in a raw diet. I believe creativity in the kitchen is essential, regardless of dietary preferences.

  5. Wondering if anyone’s tried raw diet for performance boosts? Keen to hear if it really makes a difference at the gym.

  6. Transition to a raw food diet seems challenging yet beneficial. The emphasis on planning and potential for initial detox symptoms are especially noteworthy.

  7. Great insights into what it takes to follow a raw diet. The tip about budgeting for fresh produce is something I hadn’t considered but definitely need to.

  8. While the article covers essential points, it glosses over the complexity of ensuring a balanced raw diet. Far more depth is required for novices to truly comprehend the risks.

  9. Raw diets not only promise health benefits but also resonate with sustainable living principles. Reducing processed food consumption is crucial for our planet.

  10. A lot of myths about raw diets getting busted here, which is great. The hydration bit is often overlooked, so it’s good you pointed it out.


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