14 Things to Know Before You Choose Vegan Supplements

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Ever felt a bit dizzy in the vegan supplement aisle? With so many choices, picking the right one can feel like a quest for the Holy Grail.

But fear not! This guide is here to help you navigate the world of vegan supplements with ease. Let’s dive in!

Key Considerations When Choosing Vegan Supplements

1. Multivitamin Nutrient Variability

An assortment of dietary supplements spread out, including yellow fish oil capsules, green and white capsules, and various tablets, emphasizing health and wellness through supplementation.Pin

Not all multivitamins are created equal. Some pack a punch with a variety of nutrients, while others might leave you wanting more. Always check the label to ensure it meets your specific nutritional needs.

Look for essentials like B12, D and Omega-3. B12, for example, is crucial since it’s primarily found in animal products. A good multivitamin will cover this gap in your diet.

The variability can be vast, so if you’re looking for something specific, such as iron or calcium, make sure to scrutinise the labels. It’s like finding the right mix for your morning smoothie – you want all the right ingredients for a nutrient-packed start to your day!

Read more: The Essential Supplements That Every Vegan Should Consider

2. Quality vs Cost

A balance scale made of a simple wooden beam and ball with the words "VALUE" and "PRICE" on opposite ends, symbolizing the balance between cost and worth.Pin

Should you splurge on the priciest bottle or save a few quid on the bargain bin? While choosing the cheaper option is tempting, remember that quality matters.

Some inexpensive supplements may cut corners, leading to lower nutrient content or harmful additives. Balance is key – find a quality supplement without breaking the bank.

It’s worth noting that a higher price doesn’t always guarantee better quality. Research brands, read reviews and consider what you’re getting for your money. 

3. Fillers and Additives

Elderly hands holding and opening a small blue bottle containing colorful candies, depicting possibly a need or a habit of taking regular medication.Pin

Beware of hidden nasties! Some supplements contain fillers and additives that you don’t want in your body. These can cause adverse reactions and reduce the effectiveness of the supplement. Always read the ingredients list and opt for products with minimal and natural additives.

For instance, some supplements use gelatin capsules, which aren’t vegan. Look for plant-based alternatives like cellulose or pectin. Additionally, watch out for artificial colours and flavours – they add no nutritional value and might be harmful. 

4. Capsule Size

A top-down view of a clear bowl filled with a variety of multicolored pills and capsules, symbolizing medication management or supplementation.Pin

Ever struggled to swallow a giant pill? Capsule size can be a dealbreaker for many. If you’re not a fan of swallowing large capsules, look for smaller ones or even liquid forms. Your throat will thank you!

Consider chewable or gummies as an alternative if swallowing pills is challenging. They’re like the candy version of your daily vitamins — much easier to take, especially for those who struggle with larger tablets. Plus, they can be a fun and tasty addition to your morning routine!

5. Smell

A woman sniffing the aroma from a small brown essential oil bottle, experiencing aromatherapy or natural medicine.Pin

Nobody wants a supplement that smells like a science experiment gone wrong. Consider the odour and aftertaste of your supplements. Some brands offer odourless or flavoured options to make your daily dose more pleasant.

Smell can greatly affect whether you stick to a supplement routine. If the scent turns your stomach, you’re less likely to follow it. Look for natural flavours like mint or citrus, which can mask the unpleasant odour. 

6. Dosage

A young woman in athletic wear, holding a water bottle and taking a supplement pill, seemingly focused on health and wellness management.Pin

One pill a day or four? Check the dosage instructions to see how many times you’ll need to take your supplement daily. Consistency is key, so choose a dosage schedule that fits seamlessly into your routine.

If you forget to take your vitamins, a once-daily option might be best. Conversely, if you prefer spreading your intake throughout the day, multiple smaller doses could work. It’s like choosing between a large meal or several small snacks — find what fits your lifestyle and stick to it.

7. Vegan Certifications


Official vegan labels are your best friend! Look for certifications from trusted organisations to ensure your supplement is truly vegan. Third-party testing is also crucial for verifying the purity and quality of the product.

Certifications like the Vegan Society or PETA’s vegan logo ensure the product meets strict vegan standards. It’s like having a trusted friend vouch for the authenticity of your new plant-based recipe – peace of mind guaranteed.

8. GMO vs Non-GMO

A green stamp with the text "NON GMO" within a rough border, emphasizing non-genetically modified organism products.Pin

Say no to GMOs! Non-GMO supplements are often more natural and free from potentially harmful modifications. Look for the non-GMO label to keep your supplement regimen clean and green.

GMOs can sometimes hide in ingredients like soy or corn derivatives. Choosing non-GMO ensures that you’re not consuming altered or potentially harmful substances. It’s like choosing organic veggies over conventional ones – you know you’re getting the purest form.

9. Bioavailability

How well your body absorbs the nutrients is just as important as the nutrients themselves. Bioavailability refers to how easily your body can use the nutrients in the supplement. Choose supplements with high bioavailability to get the most out of your supplement.

For example, some forms of magnesium are better absorbed than others. Look for chelated minerals, which are typically more bioavailable. It’s like opting for premium fuel for your car — your body runs smoother with the good stuff.

10. Brand Reputation

Two bottles of dietary supplements labeled "Turmeric & Ginger" and "Collagen Gummies" with gummies spilled in front, indicating health-focused products.Pin

Trust matters. Stick with reputable brands with a proven quality and transparency track record. Check reviews and do some research before committing to a brand.

Reputable brands often invest in better ingredients and rigorous testing. Think of it as choosing a well-reviewed restaurant – you’re more likely to have a great experience with a trusted name.

11. Packaging

Cardboard boxes stamped with a "Go Green" emblem in a warehouse setting, promoting environmentally friendly practices.Pin

Sustainable packaging is a must for any eco-conscious vegan. To reduce your environmental footprint, look for products with recyclable or biodegradable packaging.

Consider brands that use minimal packaging or materials like glass instead of plastic. It’s like bringing your reusable bag to the market — every little bit helps reduce waste.

12. Shipping

A delivery man in a blue uniform and cap, smiling and holding a large cardboard box, ready to deliver packages in an urban setting.Pin

Shipping from overseas can be costly and less eco-friendly. Opt for local brands or those with efficient shipping options to keep your supplement journey as green as possible.

Local options reduce your carbon footprint and often ensure fresher products. It’s like choosing to shop at your neighbourhood farmers’ market – supporting locals and getting fresher, more sustainable goods.

13. Storage

A hand reaching for a medicine bottle inside a well-stocked home medicine cabinet, suggesting self-care or health management.Pin

Proper storage is key to maintaining the potency of your supplements. Keep them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to ensure they stay effective.

Improper storage can degrade the nutrients, rendering your supplements less effective. Think of it as storing your fresh produce – you want to keep them in the best condition to get the most benefit.

14. Accurate Nutrient Amounts

Last but not least, accuracy is everything. Make sure the supplement label accurately reflects the nutrient content. Third-party verification can give you peace of mind that you’re getting what you pay for.

Look for seals of approval from organisations that test for label accuracy. It’s like getting a second opinion on your health – better safe than sorry.


And there you have it – your ultimate guide to choosing vegan supplements! Let’s recap the key points:

  • Check the nutrient content
  • Consider quality and cost
  • Avoid fillers
  • Pay attention to capsule size, smell and dosage
  • Look for certifications
  • Prefer non-GMO
  • Check bioavailability
  • Trust reputable brands
  • Choose sustainable packaging
  • Think about shipping and storage
  • Ensure accurate nutrient amounts

Making informed choices about supplements can help you stay healthy and vibrant on your vegan journey. Remember, supplements are just that — supplements to a balanced diet. Keep eating those delicious plant-based foods, and you’ll be thriving in no time! 

7 thoughts on “14 Things to Know Before You Choose Vegan Supplements”

  1. Really appreciated the section on vegan certifications, it’s reassuring to know that the products I’m choosing align with my ethical beliefs. Kudos to clientadmin for highlighting such an important aspect!

  2. Was looking into the bioavailability part, it’s important for me that what I take is actually being absorbed. Not all supplements are created equal in this regard, are they?

  3. all these supplements yet people fail to realize you can get most of what you need from actual food. the industry’s just capitalizing on the whole vegan trend. but i guess if you’re really missing out, better safe than sorry.

    • Hey CuriousCat, it’s great you’re asking questions! Not all, but it’s good to check if you’re covering all nutritional bases. Blood tests can be a great way to start. 🙂


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