What to Know Before You Attend a Non-Vegan Wedding as a Vegan

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Being invited to a wedding is exciting, but as a vegan, attending a non-vegan wedding can bring its own set of challenges.

How do you ensure you have enough to eat? How do you stay polite while staying true to your values?

Here are tips to help you navigate the celebration smoothly and enjoy every moment, all while staying true to your vegan lifestyle. Let’s make this wedding experience unforgettable!

1. Let Your Dietary Choices Be Known in the RSVPs

A close-up of a display of elegant wedding invite bookmarks in a tray, with floral arrangements in the background.Pin

If the RSVP card asks about dietary restrictions, mention your vegan preferences. It’s a simple way to inform the couple and the catering team.

It gives them the chance to better accommodate you. If they don’t ask, consider keeping it to yourself and making alternative arrangements.

2. Don’t Make a Fuss

A woman with red hair and a striped shirt, appearing very frustrated and screamingPin

If there aren’t vegan options, don’t make a scene. It’s one day and you can manage. Your presence is more important than the food. Smile and be gracious. 

3. Pack a Cereal Bar

Two granola bars with oats and dried fruits placed on a wooden surface.Pin

Always have a small snack in your bag. This way, you won’t go hungry and can enjoy the day without worry. Think of it as your secret weapon against hunger pangs.

Packing a cereal bar or other portable vegan snack ensures you’re ready for any situation. If the meal options are limited or the schedule runs late, you’ll have something to tide you over. 

4. Stay Positive

A man in a grey suit standing against a brick wall outside, smiling and crossing his arms.Pin

Approach the day with a positive attitude. Focus on the joy and celebration, not the menu. Weddings are happy occasions and your enthusiasm will be contagious.

5. Eat Before You Go

Two friends sitting at a beautifully set dinner table with a candelabra and enjoying a meal together while drinking wine.Pin

Having a filling meal before the wedding can help you avoid hunger and keep you in good spirits throughout the event. A hearty breakfast or lunch can set you up for the day.

6. Be Discreet

Two women sitting on a bed, sharing a pizza and drinking from red cups. One woman is whispering into the other's ear, making her smile.Pin

If you need to eat your snack, do it discreetly. No need to draw attention to yourself. Find a quiet corner or step outside for a moment if needed.

7. Offer to Help

Two chefs in a professional kitchen, diligently preparing food on trays, surrounded by culinary equipment and ingredients.Pin

Sometimes, offering to help with the catering can give you insight into the menu and perhaps influence a few vegan choices. Your involvement can be a subtle way to ensure there’s something for you to eat.

8. Celebrate the Couple

A bride and groom walking away from a crowd of guests who are showering them with colorful confetti during a wedding celebration.Pin

Remember why you’re there – to celebrate the love and commitment of the couple. Keep that at the forefront of your mind. Their happiness should be your primary focus.

Take time to appreciate the ceremony, the vows and the effort they’ve put into making their day special. 

9. Engage in Conversations

Two women lying in a colorful hammock outdoors, smiling and talking with each other in a relaxed setting.Pin

Talk about the couple, their love story, or the beautiful ceremony. Steer clear of food-related topics unless asked. This keeps the conversation light and joyous.

10. Appreciate the Effort

A group of friends standing by a lakeside at sunset, raising their drinks in a toast under string lights.Pin

Acknowledge and appreciate any effort made to accommodate your dietary needs, no matter how small. Even a simple salad is a thoughtful gesture from the hosts.

11. Bring Vegan-Friendly Alcohol

A tray filled with multiple glasses of white wine, arranged neatly and ready to be served at an event.

If appropriate, bring a bottle of vegan-friendly wine or beer to share. It’s a considerate gesture and ensures you have something to drink. It also adds to the communal spirit.

12. Mingle and Dance

A lively group of people dressed formally and celebrating at a party with balloons and lights. Everyone is smiling and enjoying the event.Pin

Get involved in the festivities. Mingle with other guests, hit the dance floor and enjoy the celebration. The energy and fun are what make weddings memorable.

13. Avoid Preaching

A group of businesspeople gathered together, with one person in the foreground giving a thumbs-down gesture, while others look stressed or disappointed.Pin

A wedding isn’t the place to preach about veganism. Keep your conversations light and festive. There will be other times to discuss your dietary choices.

14. Be Prepared for Questions

A man dressed in a suit standing among a group of people at a formal event, holding a glass of wine and engaging in conversation.Pin

People may ask about your veganism. Answer politely, but keep it brief and friendly. Focus on the positive aspects and avoid turning it into a lecture.

15. Enjoy the Company

A group of people celebrating at a wedding, including the bride and groom in the center. Everyone is holding sparklers and smiling.Pin

Focus on the people around you and the joyous atmosphere. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with others. Shared experiences can create lasting bonds.

16. Respect the Hosts

Understand that the couple has a lot on their plate. Respect their choices and their efforts to include everyone. They’re likely doing their best to cater to all guests.

17. Be Flexible

You might not have everything you’re used to, but that’s okay. Flexibility can go a long way in ensuring you enjoy the day. Embrace the novelty of the situation.

Approach the event with an open mind and a willingness to adapt. 

18. Find Common Ground

Two women sitting together, laughing and toasting with glasses of rosé wine. One is wearing a pink dress, and the other is in a light blue top.Pin

In conversations, find common ground with others. There’s so much more to talk about than just food. Interests, hobbies and the wedding itself are great topics.

19. Stay Hydrated

Keep yourself hydrated. Sometimes hunger can be confused with thirst, so drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will keep you feeling good all day.

20. Look for Veggie Sides

A healthy breakfast bowl filled with a colorful mixture of fruits, vegetables, and grains, placed on a woven placemat. Nearby are a glass of water with a slice of lemon, half an avocado, and a small bowl containing lime slices, parsley, and diced tomatoes.Pin

There are often vegetable sides that are naturally vegan. Enjoy these if they’re available. They can be surprisingly satisfying and delicious.

21. Compliment the Food

If you do find something you can eat, compliment it. Showing appreciation can make the hosts feel good about their efforts. Everyone loves a little praise.

22. Have Fun

Most importantly, have fun! Weddings are joyous occasions so let yourself enjoy the moment. Dance, laugh and be merry.

23. Be Gracious

Show gratitude for being included in such a special day. Your positive attitude will leave a lasting impression. A heartfelt thank you goes a long way.

24. Share Photos

A wedding reception scene with a bride and groom standing and smiling among a crowded table of guests. The bride is holding a bouquet, and everyone is enjoying the celebration.Pin

Take lots of photos and share the happy moments. 

This can help you focus on the joy rather than any dietary restrictions. Plus you’ll have memories to look back on.

25. Use Social Media Wisely

If you’re an active social media user, be mindful of what you post regarding the food at the wedding. 

Avoid criticising the non-vegan offerings online as it might upset the couple or other guests.

26. Remember, It’s Not About You

Weddings are all about celebrating the couple. Keep the focus on their big day and not your dietary choices. 

This is their moment to shine and your presence is what truly matters.

27. Reflect on the Day

After the wedding, reflect on the beautiful celebration you were part of. It’s a memory to cherish. Think about the love and joy you witnessed.


Attending a non-vegan wedding as a vegan might seem challenging. With the right mindset, it can be a wonderful experience. Remember, it’s all about the couple and their special day. 

Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have a fantastic time celebrating love and happiness. Cheers to the happy couple!

1 thought on “What to Know Before You Attend a Non-Vegan Wedding as a Vegan”

  1. The small answer is Deprograming eating animals from an early age in our lives, back to plant and fruit, there’s no one to blame for our past programming. It is so!


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