10 Delicious Ways to Use Chickpeas in Your Vegan Cooking

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Chickpeas (or garbanzo beans as some people call them) are a versatile and nutritious staple in vegan cooking. These protein-packed legumes can be transformed into an array of delicious dishes, from creamy dips to hearty main courses.

Whether you’re a seasoned vegan chef or new to plant-based eating, incorporating chickpeas into your meals can add texture, flavour, and nutrients to your diet.

Let’s explore 10 mouth-watering ways to use chickpeas in your vegan cooking creations.

1. Creamy Hummus Variations

A bowl of red pepper hummus garnished with a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of chopped parsley, and a few whole chickpeas on top. The hummus has a creamy texture with vibrant red pepper pieces adding colour in the centre.Pin

Hummus is perhaps the most well-known chickpea dish, and for good reason. This Middle Eastern dip is not only delicious but also incredibly easy to make at home. The basic recipe consists of chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and salt, blended until smooth and creamy.

To create the perfect hummus, start by blending your chickpeas with a bit of their liquid (aquafaba) until smooth.

Then add tahini, lemon juice, garlic, and salt to taste. For an extra smooth texture, consider peeling the chickpeas before blending.

Once you’ve mastered the basic recipe, it’s time to get creative with flavours. Try these tasty variations:

  • Roasted red pepper hummus: Blend in roasted red peppers for a sweet and smoky flavour.
  • Jalapeño spicy hummus: Add fresh jalapeños or hot sauce for a kick.
  • Sun-dried tomato and basil hummus: Mix in sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil for a Mediterranean twist.

The key to great hummus is finding the right balance of flavours and achieving that perfect, creamy consistency.

2. Hearty Chickpea Curries

A bowl of chickpea curry served with white rice. The curry features chickpeas in a rich, spiced tomato-based sauce, garnished with fresh cilantro leaves. The bowl is placed on a red cloth napkin, with a spoon resting beside it.Pin

Chickpeas are a staple in many curry dishes around the world, particularly in Indian cuisine. One popular dish is chana masala, a spicy and tangy chickpea curry that’s bursting with flavour.

To make a simple chickpea curry, start by sautéing onions, garlic, and ginger in a pan. Add your favourite curry spices like turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Toss in cooked chickpeas and diced tomatoes, then simmer until the flavours meld together.

For a creamier curry, add coconut milk towards the end of cooking.

Here are some tips for perfecting your chickpea curry:

  • Toast your spices before adding liquid ingredients to enhance their flavours.
  • Use both whole and mashed chickpeas for varied texture.
  • Experiment with different curry styles, like Thai green curry or Japanese curry, using chickpeas as the main protein.

Serve your chickpea curry over rice or with warm naan bread for a satisfying meal.

3. Crunchy Roasted Chickpea Snacks

A pile of roasted chickpeas seasoned with spices, spilling out of a white paper pouch. The chickpeas are golden brown with a slightly crispy texture, coated in a reddish seasoning, likely paprika or chili powder, giving them a flavoUrful and crunchy appearance.Pin

Roasted chickpeas are a fantastic, crunchy snack that’s both healthy and addictive. They’re also incredibly easy to make at home.

To create crispy roasted chickpeas:

  1. Drain and rinse canned chickpeas, then pat them dry with a clean towel.
  2. Toss the chickpeas with a bit of olive oil and your choice of seasonings.
  3. Spread them on a baking sheet and roast at 200°C for about 20-30 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally.

The key to achieving maximum crunchiness is ensuring the chickpeas are completely dry before roasting and not overcrowding the baking sheet.

Try these seasoning combinations for your roasted chickpeas:

  • Garlic powder, smoked paprika, and salt
  • Taco seasoning for a Mexican-inspired snack
  • Cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat

Roasted chickpeas are perfect for snacking on their own, adding crunch to salads, or as a topping for soups and buddha bowls.

4. Chickpea Salads

A vibrant chickpea salad featuring a mix of diced tomatoes, corn, parsley, and toasted seeds, all lightly seasoned with spices. The salad appears fresh and coloUrful, with a variety of textures from the soft chickpeas to the crunchy seeds and juicy tomatoes.Pin

Chickpeas can transform an ordinary salad into a protein-packed meal. One popular option is a Mediterranean-style chickpea salad, combining chickpeas with crisp vegetables, fresh herbs, and a zesty dressing.

To make a simple Mediterranean chickpea salad:

  1. Mix chickpeas with diced cucumber, tomatoes, red onion, and bell peppers.
  2. Add chopped fresh parsley and mint.
  3. Dress with lemon juice, olive oil, and a pinch of salt and pepper.

For a vegan twist on classic tuna salad, try making a chickpea “tuna” salad. Mash chickpeas with a fork and mix with vegan mayo, diced celery, red onion, and a splash of lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of seaweed flakes for an tuna-like flavour.

Another exciting option is buffalo chickpea salad. Toss roasted chickpeas in buffalo sauce and serve over a bed of crisp lettuce with vegan ranch dressing.

5. Chickpea-Based Vegan Burgers and Patties

Two chickpea burgers on seeded buns, layered with fresh arugula, sliced red onions, and pickles. The chickpea patties have a golden-yellow hue, suggesting they are seasoned with turmeric or curry spices, and the buns are lightly toasted with a scattering of seeds on top. The burgers look hearty and flavourful, offering a healthy plant-based option.Pin

Chickpeas make an excellent base for vegan burgers and patties. They’re easy to shape, packed with protein, and can take on a variety of flavours.

To make basic chickpea patties:

  1. Mash chickpeas in a bowl, leaving some chunks for texture.
  2. Mix in finely chopped onions, garlic, and herbs of your choice.
  3. Add a binding agent like ground flaxseed or chickpea flour.
  4. Shape into patties and cook in a pan or bake in the oven.

For added flavour, try incorporating ingredients like sun-dried tomatoes, roasted red peppers, or curry spices into your patty mixture.

Serve your chickpea burgers on a bun with all your favourite toppings, or enjoy them over a salad for a lighter meal.

6. Chickpea Flour

Two whole rounds of Socca, a chickpea flatbread, along with several cut pieces arranged around them. The flatbreads are golden-brown with a slightly crisp edge, garnished with fresh herbs like thyme or parsley. The pieces are displayed on a white surface, creating a rustic and inviting presentation.Pin

Chickpea flour, or besan or gram flour, is a versatile ingredient in vegan cooking. It’s gluten-free and high in protein, making it an excellent choice for those with dietary restrictions.

One popular use for chickpea flour is making socca, a type of flatbread originating from France.

To make socca:

  1. Mix chickpea flour with water, olive oil, and salt to form a thin batter.
  2. Let the batter rest for 30 minutes to an hour.
  3. Pour into a hot, oiled skillet and bake until the edges are crispy.

Chickpea flour can also be used to make vegan omelettes or frittatas. Mix the flour with water and your choice of seasonings, then cook like a pancake and fill with sautéed vegetables.

For a quick and easy snack, try making chickpea flour pancakes. Mix the flour with water, spices, and finely chopped vegetables, then pan-fry for a savoury treat.

7. Chickpeas in Vegan Baking

A stack of chickpea chocolate chip cookies, with one cookie leaning against the others to display its texture. The cookies are golden brown with a slightly chewy appearance, dotted with melted chocolate chips. They look like a delicious and wholesome twist on the classic chocolate chip cookie, likely made with chickpea flour.Pin

Believe it or not, chickpeas can be a secret ingredient in vegan baking. They add moisture, binding properties, and a boost of protein to your baked goods.

One popular recipe is chickpea chocolate chip cookies. To make these:

  1. Blend drained chickpeas with nut butter, maple syrup, and vanilla extract until smooth.
  2. Fold in chocolate chips and any other mix-ins you like.
  3. Scoop onto a baking sheet and bake until golden.

The result is a soft, chewy cookie that’s surprisingly delicious and nutritious.

Chickpea blondies are another scrumptious option! They’re the perfect healthy twist on traditional blondies, using chickpeas as the base ingredient to sneak in extra nutrients.

If you fancy a quick, healthy treat that requires no baking, chickpea cookie dough is the one for you! It’s the same ingredients as the cookies, but you can blend in some oat flour or almond flour to thicken it up. Yum!

And let’s not forget about aquafaba, the liquid from canned chickpeas. It can be whipped into a meringue-like consistency and used as an egg replacer in many baking recipes.

8. Chickpea Pasta and Noodle Dishes

A plate of chickpea pasta in a creamy, orange-coloured sauce, garnished with fresh herbs. The dish features small pasta shapes mixed with whole chickpeas, giving it a hearty and comforting appearance. A spoon rests in the pasta, ready to serve, and the plate is accompanied by seeded breadsticks, adding a crunchy texture to the meal.Pin

Chickpea-based pasta has become increasingly popular as a gluten-free, high-protein alternative to traditional wheat pasta. It’s available in various shapes and can be used in any pasta dish.

For a simple chickpea pasta recipe:

  1. Cook chickpea pasta according to package instructions.
  2. Sauté garlic and cherry tomatoes in olive oil.
  3. Toss the cooked pasta with the tomato mixture and fresh basil.

You can also add whole chickpeas to traditional pasta dishes for extra protein and texture. Try mixing them into your favourite pasta sauce or adding them to a vegetable pasta primavera.

For a twist on classic minestrone, make a chickpea noodle soup. Simmer chickpeas with vegetables, herbs, and small pasta shapes in a flavourful broth.

9. Chickpea Soups and Stews

A bowl of chickpea laksa soup, a rich and creamy dish with a spicy, coconut-based broth. The soup is garnished with roasted chickpeas, broccoli, sliced red peppers, fresh cilantro, and a wedge of lime. The vibrant colours and variety of textures make the dish look both hearty and flavourful, with a blend of creamy, crunchy, and fresh elements. A white soup spoon rests in the bowl, ready for serving.Pin

Chickpeas are a fantastic addition to soups and stews, adding heartiness and protein to these comforting dishes.

For a delicious Moroccan-inspired chickpea soup:

  1. Sauté onions, garlic, and spices like cumin and cinnamon.
  2. Add chickpeas, diced tomatoes, and vegetable broth.
  3. Simmer until flavours meld, then stir in some fresh lemon juice before serving.

Chickpeas can also be used to thicken vegan stews. Try adding them to a vegetable stew along with potatoes and carrots for a hearty meal.

When making soups and stews, consider using dried chickpeas instead of canned. While they require more preparation time, dried chickpeas often have a better texture and flavour in long-cooked dishes.

10. Creative Chickpea Sandwich Fillings

A grilled chickpea salad sandwich made with whole grain bread. The sandwich is layered with a creamy chickpea filling, fresh lettuce, and thick slices of tomato. The bread is toasted, displaying grill marks, and the sandwich is secured with a skewer topped with a slice of pickled onion. The sandwich is served on a dark slate board, with a sprinkle of salt and pepper on the side.Pin

Chickpeas can be transformed into delicious sandwich fillings that rival any deli meat.

For a vegan “egg” salad sandwich:

  1. Mash chickpeas with a fork, leaving some texture.
  2. Mix in vegan mayo, finely chopped celery, and onions.
  3. Season with turmeric, black salt (Kala Namak), for an eggy flavour, and black pepper.

To make a chickpea “tuna” melt:

  1. Prepare the chickpea “tuna” mixture as described earlier.
  2. Spread on bread, top with vegan cheese, and broil until the cheese melts.

For a Mediterranean-inspired wrap, mix mashed chickpeas with tahini, lemon juice, and herbs. Spread on a wrap and add crisp vegetables for a satisfying lunch.

Chickpeas can also be used to create spreads for sandwiches. Blend them with roasted red peppers or sun-dried tomatoes for a flavourful, protein-rich spread.

The Bottom Line

Chickpeas are an incredibly versatile ingredient in vegan cooking. From classic hummus to innovative desserts, these little legumes can do it all. They’re packed with protein, fibre, and nutrients, making them an excellent addition to any plant-based diet.

Whether you’re looking for a quick snack, a hearty main course, or a sweet treat, chickpeas have got you covered. So next time you’re in the kitchen, don’t forget to reach for that can of chickpeas – your taste buds (and your body) will thank you!

4 thoughts on “10 Delicious Ways to Use Chickpeas in Your Vegan Cooking”

  1. Has anyone tried making the chickpea-based vegan burgers with different types of beans? I’m curious if the texture or taste changes significantly. I’m esepcially interested in experimenting for my nutrition class.

  2. Love the idea of using chickpeas in so many ways. Started growing them in my garden last summer, and it’s been a game-changer. Chickpea salads are the best after a long day outside.

    • Growing your own chickpeas sounds amazing! I bet they taste even better when they’re fresh from the garden. Need to try that salad!

  3. But do these chickpea dishes actually fill you up like meat does? Seems like a lot of carbs and not much else. I heard protein’s important too.


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