The 27 Biggest Kitchen Blunders Every New Vegan Should Avoid

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Switching to a vegan lifestyle can be exciting.

But hold on… it can also be a challenge!

If you’re curious about going vegan, this guide will help you dodge the biggest kitchen blunders. Avoid these 27 pitfalls and your vegan journey will be smooth sailing!

1. Skipping Meal Planning

A person writing in a notebook with a meal plan layout, including sections for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for several daysPin

Have you ever opened your fridge and thought, “What on earth can I eat?” Skipping meal planning is a rookie mistake. A little preparation goes a long way. Try planning your weekly meals and making a shopping list to keep things easy and stress-free.

2. Not Getting Enough Nutrients

A balanced diet is crucial. Many new vegans forget to include enough nutrients. To cover your bases, incorporate a variety of foods like beans, lentils, tofu, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fortified foods.

3. Falling for Processed Vegan Foods

Vegan doesn’t automatically mean healthy. Many processed vegan foods are loaded with sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. Stick to whole foods as much as possible and save those vegan treats for special occasions.

4. Ignoring Portion Sizes

Various legumes, including lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas, being weighed on a digital kitchen scale with more legumes scattered around on a white surfacePin

It’s easy to overdo it with nuts, seeds and avocados. While these foods are nutritious, they’re also high in calories. Keep an eye on your portion sizes to avoid unnecessary weight gain.

5. Not Reading Labels

Not all vegan products are created equal. Read labels carefully to check for hidden animal products like gelatin, casein and whey. Familiarise yourself with these sneaky ingredients to stay on track.

Suggested read: 14 Sneaky Ingredients Vegans Shouldn’t Overlook on Nutrition Labels

6. Neglecting Protein Variety

An assortment of plant-based protein sources, including beans, nuts, seeds, and tofu, displayed in bowls around a sign that says "PLANT BASED PROTEIN"Pin

Relying on just one source of protein can get boring fast. Mix it with beans, lentils, chickpeas, tofu, tempeh and seitan. Variety keeps meals exciting and ensures you get a range of nutrients!

7. Underestimating Plant-Based Iron

Iron from plant sources isn’t as easily absorbed as from meat. To boost absorption, pair iron-rich foods like spinach and lentils with vitamin C-rich foods like bell peppers and citrus fruits.

8. Forgetting About B12

B12 is vital for nerve function and blood health. Since it’s mostly found in animal products, vegans need to look for fortified foods or take a B12 supplement. Don’t overlook this essential nutrient!

9. Not Drinking Enough Water

A man pouring water from a clear glass pitcher into a glassPin

A plant-based diet is high in fibre, which is great for digestion but can cause discomfort if you’re not drinking enough water. Stay hydrated to help your body process all that goodness.

10. Skimping on Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are crucial for brain function and overall health. Include sources like flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and avocados. Don’t be afraid of fats — they’re your friends!

11. Overcomplicating Recipes

New vegans often feel like they need to cook elaborate meals. Simple can be delicious! Start with easy recipes and build your confidence. You’ll find joy in creating tasty, fuss-free dishes.

12. Ignoring Seasonal Produce

A wooden crate filled with a variety of fresh vegetables, including carrots, kale, squash, onions, and potatoes, on a rustic wooden tablePin

Eating seasonally is cheaper, more sustainable and the produce tastes better. Plus, it supports local farmers. Check out what’s in season and incorporate those fruits and veggies into your meals.

13. Not Having Quick Snacks Ready

Hunger can strike anytime. Keep quick, healthy snacks like fruit, nuts and hummus handy to avoid reaching for less healthy options. A bit of preparation goes a long way!

14. Thinking All Bread Is Vegan

Freshly baked bread loaves on a wooden cutting board, with slices cut and ready to serve. The scene includes olives, a small tomato, and a green chili on a wooden table, creating a cozy and rustic presentation.Pin

Surprise! Not all bread is vegan. Some contain milk, eggs, or honey. Read labels or bake your own to ensure your bread is vegan-friendly. You’ll appreciate the effort when you bite into that delicious homemade loaf!

15. Underestimating the Power of Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices can transform bland meals into flavourful delights. Stock up on basics like basil, oregano, cumin and paprika. Experiment with different combinations to keep your taste buds excited.

16. Forgetting About Fermented Foods

A variety of pickled vegetables in jars, including cauliflower, carrots, red cabbage, and radishes, placed on a white surface with dill and pink peppercorns scattered around.Pin

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and miso are great for gut health. They add a tangy twist to your meals and boost your digestion. Don’t overlook these probiotic powerhouses.

17. Not Experimenting with New Foods

Being vegan opens up a whole new world of food. Try something new each week — a new vegetable, grain, or a fun vegan product. Variety is the spice of vegan life!

18. Ignoring Nutritional Yeast

A bowl of nutritional yeast with a white spoon filled with some yeast flakes placed on a white surfacePin

Nutritional yeast is a vegan’s best friend. It adds a cheesy flavour to dishes and is packed with B vitamins. Sprinkle it on pasta, popcorn, or salads for a nutritional boost.

19. Not Engaging with the Vegan Community

Support is crucial. Join local vegan groups or online communities to share recipes, tips and encouragement. You’ll find a wealth of knowledge and make some fantastic new friends.

20. Not Practising Patience

Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle takes time. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Every step towards a plant-based diet is a win.

21. Overlooking Vegan Resources

A woman standing in a kitchen, wearing a white t-shirt and pink pants, deeply focused on reading a cookbook. There are plants and kitchen appliances in the background.Pin

There are countless resources available to help you. Books, blogs, YouTube channels and apps can provide recipes, tips and inspiration. Dive into these resources to enrich your vegan journey.

22. Forgetting About Frozen Veggies

Frozen vegetables are just as nutritious as fresh ones and can be a lifesaver in a rush. Keep a stash in your freezer for quick, healthy meals anytime.

23. Overcomplicating Nutritional Info

You don’t need to be a nutritionist to be vegan. Focus on eating a variety of whole foods and you’ll naturally cover your nutritional bases. If in doubt, seek advice from a dietitian.

24. Not Celebrating Small Wins

A woman in a sporty outfit, jumping joyfully in the air with her arms raised against a backdrop of trees and a partly cloudy sky.Pin

Every vegan meal is a win for your health, animals, and the planet. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Small steps lead to lasting change.

25. Ignoring Local Vegan Options

The UK is a haven for vegans. Explore local markets, vegan-friendly restaurants and cafes. You might be surprised at how many options are available at your doorstep.

26. Not Planning for Social Situations

Social gatherings can be tricky. Plan ahead by checking the menu, bringing a vegan dish, or informing the host about your dietary preferences. A bit of foresight can prevent awkward moments and ensure you have something tasty to eat.

27. Forgetting to Enjoy the Journey

Becoming vegan is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, savour the new flavours and have fun experimenting in the kitchen. Your vegan adventure should be exciting and fulfilling.


If you avoid these pitfalls, your vegan journey will be smoother than you ever imagined! Embrace the change and enjoy every delicious, compassionate bite.

12 thoughts on “The 27 Biggest Kitchen Blunders Every New Vegan Should Avoid”

  1. Really got me thinking, especially the part about not drinking enough water. It’s something so simple, yet I overlook it every day. Thanks for the nudge.

  2. Regarding not getting enough nutrients, could you suggest any specific supplements that are beneficial for someone pursuing a vegan lifestyle and hitting the gym regularly? Cheers.

  3. not sure about skipping meal planning, kinda do that already and it’s a vibe. could go vegan but seems like a lot to think about.

    • Hey TeeJay, going vegan definitely takes a bit of planning initially, but it becomes second nature soon. There are loads of resources out there to help!

    • Meal prep’s actually a game changer, makes everything so much easier. Maybe start with planning just a couple of meals a week?

  4. Totally agree on the power of herbs and spices. They turn any simple dish into something extraordinary. Loved that you included this, it’s often overlooked!

  5. The section on not having quick snacks ready hit home. I’m always on the go, and having healthy snacks available would make a huge difference. Thanks for the tip!

  6. While I appreciate the emphasis on local vegan options, I think it’s also important to consider the carbon footprint of exotic foods many vegans consume. It’s a delicate balance.

  7. ignoring nutritional yeast is a big mistake for sure, that stuff is magic. sprinkles it on everything and bam, cheese flavour without the cheese.

  8. It’s crucial to highlight the importance of B12 supplements for anyone following a vegan diet. Deficiency is a real risk and can lead to serious health issues.

  9. loving the reminder to enjoy the journey. it’s not just about the food, it’s about the lifestyle and the vibes. peace and plants, people.


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