Study Shows Plant-Based Diets Improve Dog Health

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A new study shows that dogs eating plant-based diets are healthier than those eating meat diets.

Researchers examined 2,536 dogs over a year, checking for seven signs of illness and 22 health problems. Dogs on plant-based diets were over 50% less likely to have issues such as weight problems, joint and stomach issues, swollen anal glands, and dental problems. No health problem was more common in dogs on a plant-based diet.

The study is significant because it considered factors such as age and breed and utilised data like how often dogs visited the vet.

It supports the British Veterinary Association’s policy that dogs can be healthy on plant-based diets. Dogs on these diets were 21% less likely to visit the vet frequently, 33% less likely to be unwell, and required less medication compared to dogs on meat diets.

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Dogs on raw meat diets performed better than those on regular meat diets but not as well as those on plant-based diets.

The study warns that raw meat diets can be risky due to germs and lack of nutrients. This research adds to evidence that plant-based diets are beneficial for dogs, aligning with earlier studies that found better digestion and energy in dogs on plant-based foods.

The pet food industry is moving towards healthier and more eco-friendly options, with plant-based diets leading the way. As more people become aware of the benefits, the demand for these diets is expected to grow, leading to a healthier future for dogs.

Read more: Things to Know Before You Transition Your Pet to a Vegan Diet

3 thoughts on “Study Shows Plant-Based Diets Improve Dog Health”

  1. Just read about this study showing dogs might actually thrive on plant-based diets. Any thoughts on how this might affect their day-to-day energy levels? I’m all for it if it means my pup can be healthier and we’re doing our bit for the planet. Just wondering about switching.

    • Switching to a plant-based diet can be a good option for many dogs, LizzyQ. Make sure to transition slowly and monitor energy levels and overall health. Many dogs adjust well and maintain, or even improve, their vitality!


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