The Best and Worst Times to Shop for Vegan Products

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Have you ever wondered why some vegans find the best deals while others seem to be paying through the nose? 

The timing of your shopping might be the secret! 

Let’s dive into the best and worst times to shop for vegan products in the UK. 

Spoiler alert: there’s more to it than just avoiding the weekend rush!

The Best Times to Shop for Vegan Products

1. Veganuary

Four friends walking together on a cobblestone street, each holding red shopping bags that read "SALE." They are dressed warmly in coats and scarves, enjoying a day of shopping.Pin

Veganuary, or January for vegans, is the ultimate time to explore plant-based living across the UK. 

As the new year kicks off, supermarkets and shops are buzzing with exciting vegan options, from tasty plant-based burgers to dairy-free cheeses that’ll make your taste buds dance. 

It’s a month where you can discover new flavours, try out delicious recipes and join a growing community of people embracing a kinder way of eating. 

2. December

A couple, warmly dressed in winter clothing, smiling and looking at each other while standing in a festive outdoor setting with decorative lights. The woman holds a red shopping bag.Pin

December is an ideal time for vegans to shop in the UK, as festive markets and supermarkets burst with plant-based delights fit for the Christmas season. 

From decadent dairy-free chocolates and vegan mince pies to hearty nut roasts and flavourful plant-based cheeses, the shelves are stocked with a variety of treats that cater to vegan preferences without compromising on taste. 

Whether you’re preparing a vegan feast for Christmas or simply enjoying the seasonal offerings, December promises a merry shopping experience filled with delicious discoveries that celebrate compassion and culinary creativity.

3. 7 PM

A person unpacking groceries from a brown paper bag, with a variety of fresh produce including bananas, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and broccoli displayed on a red surface. The person is wearing a green sweater.Pin

In the UK, 7 pm is the prime time for savvy vegans to hit the shops, especially those eyeing yellow stickers. 

As the clock strikes seven, supermarkets often mark down perishable items nearing their sell-by dates with bright yellow stickers, slashing prices for quick sale. This golden hour promises hefty savings and offers a treasure hunt for discounted plant-based goodies like fresh produce, dairy-free delights and meat alternatives. 

4. Early Morning, Mid-Week 

A family picking vegetables in a grocery store. The mother selects a red bell pepper from a display, while the father and child look on and smile. The child points towards the vegetables, engaging in the activity.Pin

Shopping early in the morning – on a Tuesday or Wednesday can feel like a hidden treasure hunt! 

Supermarkets restock their shelves overnight, meaning you get the freshest produce and fully stocked aisles. 

Fewer shoppers mean a less stressful experience and more time to read those labels! Imagine having the whole aisle to yourself, leisurely picking out the best organic kale or that perfect avocado.

5. Seasonal Transitions 

An overhead flat lay of a cozy outfit arrangement, including a knitted sweater, blue jeans, beige suede ankle boots, a white mug, and a small package of tea, all laid out on a white background.Pin

When seasons change, shops switch up their inventory. 

You might find discounts on winter vegetables in spring, while summer brings markdowns on spring produce. 

Plan your meals around these transitions to save big. Seasonal shopping is also a great way to vary your diet and enjoy the freshest produce. 

Think of all the vibrant, seasonal recipes you can experiment with!

6. Online Sales and Subscriptions 

A person using a smartphone to access a recipe app in a kitchen setting. Fresh vegetables and ingredients are visible in the background, along with a wooden countertop.Pin

Don’t forget about the power of the internet!

Websites like The Vegan Kind Supermarket often have sales and discounts. Signing up for newsletters can give you access to exclusive deals. 

Subscription boxes are another great way to explore new vegan products at a lower cost. They often offer discounts on future purchases or sneak peeks at new items. 

Plus, who doesn’t love the excitement of receiving a box of goodies delivered straight to their door?

The Worst Times to Shop for Vegan Products

1. Summer

A person wearing a pair of loose-fitting, textured orange shorts with pockets, standing outdoors in a grassy area, with part of the upper body visible.Pin

Summer in the UK poses a unique challenge for vegans when it comes to shopping. 

As barbecue season heats up, supermarket aisles suddenly seem overrun with charcoal bags, burger buns and an assortment of sausages — not exactly a vegan’s dream aisle! 

With everyone stocking up on meats and grillables, there’s often less shelf space left for plant-based delights. Finding that perfect avocado or snagging a tofu steak becomes a strategic mission amidst the summer rush for BBQ essentials. 

It’s like navigating a culinary obstacle course, where every non-vegan item is an unexpected hurdle in the quest for a vegan-friendly shopping basket. 

2. Weekends

A close-up shot of clothes on hangers in a retail setting, featuring a selection of light-colored garments made from soft, natural fabrics.

Ah, the weekend – a time for rest… unless you’re at the supermarket. 

Saturday and Sunday are peak shopping times, meaning crowded aisles and picked-over shelves. 

If you must shop on the weekend, try to go early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the rush. 

Warning: Those late hours might leave you with slim pickings.

3. Late Afternoon/Evening 

A nighttime street view of a row of shops illuminated by streetlights and store displays. Cars are passing by, and a few people are gathered outside a shop named "TANGERINE." Other visible signs include "Jean Louis" and "CAFÉN."Pin

By the time 5 PM rolls around, the fresh produce is often looking a bit sprase – many of the best items have been snapped up by lunchtime shoppers. 

If your schedule only allows for evening shopping, try to go mid-week to avoid the worst of the crowds. 

Otherwise, you might be left with the bruised apples and wilted lettuce.

4. New Product Launches 

An aisle in a grocery store with shelves stocked with various products. A green sign marked "NEW" is prominently displayed, indicating new items available on the shelf.

What happens when a hot new vegan product hits the shelves?  Everyone wants to try it! 

This means higher prices and stock that runs out quickly. 

Give it a few weeks for the hype to die down – prices will stabilise and you’ll have a better chance of snagging that new plant-based burger without the frenzy. 

Patience is key!

Shopping Strategies for Different Vegan Products

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a staple in any vegan diet. To get the best deals, shop for produce that is in season. Not only is it cheaper, but it also tastes better. 

Check out local farmer’s markets for fresh, seasonal produce at a lower cost. And don’t forget those end-of-day deals where vendors reduce prices to clear stock!

For packaged goods like plant-based milk, tofu and snacks, keep an eye out for sales and discounts. Buying in bulk can also save you money, especially for items with a long shelf life. Always check the price per unit to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

Speciality vegan items like dairy-free cheese and meat substitutes can be pricey. Look for these items during sales or when you have a coupon. 

Some shops offer discounts if you buy multiple items, so consider stocking up when these deals are available.

Grains, beans and pasta are vegan pantry staples. Buying these items in bulk can save you money. Store them in airtight containers to keep them fresh for longer. Look for deals at bulk food shops or in the bulk section of your supermarket.

Suggested read: 28 Secrets to Making Delicious Vegan Meals on a Budget


Timing is everything when it comes to shopping for vegan products. By keeping an eye out for deals, you can save money and ensure you’re always stocked up with the best vegan goodies. 

Now, you’re all set to navigate the world of vegan shopping like a pro. 

Remember, a little planning goes a long way. 

Share your tips and tricks in the comments below – happy bargain hunting!

11 thoughts on “The Best and Worst Times to Shop for Vegan Products”

  1. Always thought that hitting the shops early was just for beating the crowds, but seeing it’s good for vegan finds too is great news. Quiet aisles and the best picks? Sign me up!

  2. Veganuary, really? Sounds like a marketing gimmick to me. Do products genuinely get cheaper, or is it just a way to push more stuff onto us?

  3. I appreciated the tip on 7 PM shopping but does anyone know if this applies across all stores or just specific ones? Trying to plan my shopping to make it as efficient as possible!

    • It’s usually major chains in my experience, but I’ve found some local shops also follow similar patterns. Best to ask your favourite places directly!

  4. 7 pm? mate, that’s when my day’s just getting started. guess i’ll leave the early deals for the morning birds and catch the leftovers. every night’s a discount, if you’re not fussy.

  5. Really insightful! Seasonal transitions are such a good tip. I’ve noticed that too, especially with fresh produce. This guide is super helpful!

  6. online sales are the best. been doing my vegan shopping online for ages, saves money and it’s way easier to find deals than in store.

  7. I get why weekends are the worst, but I’ve found some hidden gems during late afternoons. It’s all about knowing where to look and having a bit of luck.

  8. This article was exactly what I needed! I’m new to veganism and figuring out the best times to shop has been a game-changer. Thanks for the insight!

  9. New product launches being a bad time to shop? Shocker. It’s almost like they want to make money off us. Better stick to the old stuff, at least it’s cheaper.

  10. I’m curious about the December mention. Is it because of the holiday season, or are there specific deals for vegan products then? Would love to plan ahead!


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