What Not to Cook: 30 Vegan Dishes That Always Flop

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Ever wondered why some vegan dishes just don’t hit the mark? It’s not because vegan food is bland or boring. Sometimes, it’s just about knowing what to avoid.

Let’s dive into the 30 vegan dishes that are notorious for flopping. We’ll sprinkle in some tips on how to steer clear of these culinary disasters. Get ready for a fun, enlightening read!

30 Vegan Dishes to Avoid

1. Bland Lentil Loaf

Lentil loaves can be delicious, but they often turn out bland. Spice it up with garlic, herbs and a splash of soy sauce.

2. Sad, Soggy Courgetti Spaghetti

A bowl of zucchini noodles (zoodles) mixed with cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs, set on a rustic wooden table.Pin

Courgetti spaghetti can be a great low-carb option, but it’s often watery. Salt the courgette beforehand to draw out excess moisture. This helps to keep them firm and delicious.

3. Gritty Cashew Cheese

Making cashew cheese can result in a gritty texture if not blended properly. Soak your cashews longer and blend until silky smooth.

4. Dry Black Bean Burgers

Two layered veggie burgers with avocado, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, and red onion, served on brioche buns.Pin

Black bean burgers are a staple, but they can be dry. Add some moisture with grated carrots or beetroot.

5. Overcooked Quinoa

Quinoa can easily become mushy. Use a 1:1.5 quinoa-to-water ratio and fluff it with a fork.

6. Dense Vegan Pancakes

Vegan pancakes often turn out dense. Use a combination of baking powder and soda for fluffiness.

7. Starchy Mashed Potatoes

A pot of mashed potatoes with a wooden spoonPin

Potatoes can become gluey if overworked. Use a potato ricer for fluffy mashed potatoes.

8. Boring Buddha Bowls

Buddha bowls can be bland if not varied enough. Mix textures and flavours and don’t skimp on the dressing!

9. Watery Smoothies

Smoothies that are too watery can be disappointing. Freeze your fruits or add some avocado for creaminess.

10. Lifeless Salads

A man with a displeased expression, sitting at a kitchen table and pushing away a bowl of salad with both hands. The kitchen background is bright and modern.Pin

A salad should never be boring. Mix in nuts, seeds, fruits and a killer dressing to jazz it up.

11. Flavourless Hummus

Hummus can be bland if under-seasoned. Don’t be shy with garlic, lemon and tahini.

12. Mushy Veggie Stir-Fry

Stir-fry veggies should be crisp, not mushy. Cook them quickly over high heat.

13. Flat Vegan Cupcakes

Three banana muffins stacked on a white plate with walnuts and cinnamon sticks on the side; a mug and a banana in the backgroundPin

Vegan cupcakes often fall flat. Make sure your baking powder is fresh and don’t overmix the batter.

14. Slimy Overnight Oats

Overnight oats can turn slimy if left too long. Stick to a 1:1 ratio of oats to liquid and eat them within 24 hours.

15. Cardboard-Like Seitan

Sliced seitan strips on a dark surface, garnished with pink Himalayan salt, black peppercorns, and sprigs of rosemaryPin

Seitan can end up chewy if overcooked. Simmer gently and don’t over-knead the dough.

16. Sad, Limp Spring Rolls

Spring rolls can turn out limp. Use fresh, crisp veggies and don’t overstuff them.

17. Crumbly Vegan Meatballs

A bowl of homemade quinoa and eggplant fritters with a bowl of raw quinoa and slices of eggplant in the backgroundPin

Vegan meatballs often crumble apart. Add a binding agent like a flaxseed meal or breadcrumbs.

18. Watery Gazpacho

Gazpacho should be refreshing, not watery. Balance the veggies with a bit of bread to thicken it up.

19. Bitter Green Smoothies

A glass of green smoothie with a green and white striped straw, with a bowl of fresh spinach leaves next to it, all on a wooden tablePin

Green smoothies can be bitter. Balance the greens with sweet fruits like bananas or mangoes.

20. Tasteless Vegan Mac and Cheese

Vegan mac and cheese can be a letdown. Use nutritional yeast and a bit of mustard for that cheesy kick.

21. Overly Sweet Energy Balls

A bowl of energy balls made from various nuts and dried fruits, set on a wooden table with blurred ingredients in the backgroundPin

Energy balls can be overly sweet. Balance dates with nuts and a pinch of salt.

22. Boring Chickpea Salad

Chickpea salad can be mundane. Add fresh herbs, a zesty dressing and some crunch with veggies. And if you want more chickpea ideas, I have plenty for you here.

23. Squashy Baked Tofu

Baked tofu can turn out squashy if not prepared properly. Press the tofu to remove excess water and marinate it for at least 30 minutes before baking to ensure it absorbs the flavours well and achieves a better texture.

Suggested read: 7 Creative Ways to Use Tofu in Your Cooking

24. Tough Falafel

Freshly fried falafel being lifted out of hot oil with a wire mesh strainer. The falafel are golden brown and crispy.Pin

Falafel can be tough and dry if overcooked. Keep an eye on the frying time and aim for a golden crust.

25. Dry Vegan Muffins

Vegan muffins often turn out dry. Add a mashed banana or applesauce to keep them moist.

26. Bland Vegetable Soup

A bowl of hearty soup containing chunks of roasted butternut squash, white beans, kale, and fresh herbs in a flavorful broth, with a spoon resting inside.Pin

Vegetable soup can be boring. Use a rich vegetable stock and plenty of herbs.

27. Hard Quinoa Salad

Quinoa salad can be hard if the quinoa isn’t cooked right. Use slightly undercooked quinoa for a nice bite.

28. Sour Kombucha

Making kombucha at home can result in overly sour brews. Taste it regularly during fermentation.

29. Dense Banana Bread

A loaf of freshly baked banana bread cut into slices, placed on a cooling rack with ripe bananas in the backgroundPin

Vegan banana bread can be dense. Use ripe bananas and don’t overmix the batter.

30. Watery Vegan Risotto

Vegan risotto can be watery. Use a good-quality vegetable broth and add it gradually.

Tips for Avoiding Vegan Dish Flops

Three glass bowls filled with red, yellow, and brown spices, surrounded by various whole spices and herbs on a wooden tablePin

Season Generously

Many vegan dishes flop due to lack of flavour. Don’t be afraid to use herbs, spices and seasoning liberally.

Texture Matters

Balancing textures is crucial. Mix crisp, crunchy and creamy elements for a more satisfying dish.

Practice Makes Perfect

Not all recipes will turn out perfectly on the first try. Keep practising and adjusting until you get it right.

Use Fresh Ingredients

A close-up of a person holding a bunch of freshly harvested carrots with green tops, showing their soil-covered rootsPin

Fresh, high-quality ingredients make a world of difference. Shop local and seasonal for the best flavours.

Follow Reliable Recipes

Stick to well-reviewed recipes, especially when trying something new. Websites like BBC Good Food or Veganuary offer tested vegan recipes.

Experiment and Have Fun

Cooking should be fun! Don’t be afraid to experiment and make the dish your own.

Suggested Read: The Little-Known Food Combinations That Could Improve Your Vegan Nutrition


Avoiding these 30 vegan dish disasters can make your vegan journey a breeze. Remember, cooking is all about experimenting and having fun. 

Keep trying new things and you’ll soon master the art of vegan cooking. Ready to give it a go? Happy cooking!

13 thoughts on “What Not to Cook: 30 Vegan Dishes That Always Flop”

  1. Love the tips for avoiding vegan dish flops, especially the part about using fresh ingredients. Makes all the difference! Has anyone tried tweaking the bland lentil loaf with some spices?

  2. A bit disappointed with the vegan pancakes being listed as dense. I’ve found the right recipe makes them fluffy and delightful. It’s all about the technique!

  3. Whilst I appreciate the attempt at promoting vegan dishes, describing them negatively from the outset seems counterintuitive. Is the goal not to entice with the wonders of vegan cuisine?

  4. Fascinated by the notion of gritty cashew cheese. What alchemy turns it smooth, I wonder? Any sorcerers willing to share their incantations?

  5. This list is quite helpful for navigating common pitfalls. Noted the part about overcooking quinoa. Precision in timing is key, it seems.


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