13 Tips to Thrive on a Vegan Diet While Travelling

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Going on a trip and want to maintain your vibrant vegan lifestyle? 

Here are the essential tips to help you thrive on a vegan diet while travelling and ensure you enjoy every moment and every meal!

1. Research Your Destination’s Local Cuisine 

An airplane flying above the clouds, photographed from behind and below, with the sky and ocean visible below.Pin

Research the local cuisine to identify naturally vegan dishes and ingredients. Some cultures have a wealth of plant-based dishes that can be easily found in local restaurants. 

2. Use Apps to Discover Vegan-friendly Eateries

Use apps like HappyCow, Yelp and TripAdvisor to find vegan-friendly restaurants, cafes and stores at your destination. 

These will save you time and frustration while navigating the new vegan landscape. Many of these restaurants list vegan options for your convenience. 

Suggested read: Top 10 Vegan-Friendly Chain Restaurants in the UK

3. Use Tools to Communicate Your Dietary Needs

If you visit non-English speaking countries, use apps like Google Translate to help you communicate your dietary needs in the local language. 

Some translation apps even allow you to download languages for offline use.

Learn key phrases in the local language to communicate your dietary needs. Phrases like “I am vegan” or “I don’t eat meat, dairy or eggs” can be very helpful. 

4. Pack Smart

A woman sitting on a bed, packing a suitcase. They are holding a notepad and pen, with various items such as clothes, a camera, and accessories around them.Pin

Pack a variety of portable snacks such as nuts, seeds, dried fruits, energy bars and vegan jerky. These can be lifesavers during long flights or layovers. They can also serve as your backup when vegan options are scarce.

Consider bringing meal replacement powders or protein shakes that are vegan-friendly. They can be convenient for quick meals or nutritional boosts. Bring non-perishable vegan staples like oatmeal packets, nut butter, rice cakes, noodles and instant soups. 

5. Plan Your Meals

A modern, well-lit living room with a large grey sofa, a wall-mounted TV, a small round dining table with chairs, and large windows with curtains.Pin

Choose accommodations that offer kitchen facilities or at least a refrigerator and microwave. This allows you to prepare some of your meals and store perishable items. 

Look for hotels or hostels that are known for being vegan-friendly. Some may even offer vegan breakfast options.

6. Identify Shops to Replenish Food Supplies

A market stall displaying a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, with price tags on each item.Pin

Visit local supermarkets or markets upon arrival to stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables and other vegan essentials. In some areas, you can use online grocery delivery services to have vegan food delivered to your accommodation.

7. Don’t Forget to Stay Hydrated and Healthy

A man drinking water on the sunsetPin

Staying hydrated is crucial while travelling. Carry a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the day. Bring along a few tea bags or water flavour enhancers to make drinking water more enjoyable.

8. Pack Supplements with You

A pill organizer containing various types of pills and capsules in different compartments.Pin

Make sure you pack any necessary supplements, such as vitamin B12, iron or omega-3s, to maintain your nutritional balance. If you’re travelling for an extended period, consider visiting a local health store or pharmacy to replenish your supplement supply.

9. Embrace Flexibility

A close-up view of cooked noodles being lifted from a bowl with chopsticks.Pin

Adapt to and embrace the local produce and ingredients available at your destination. This not only ensures freshness. It also allows you to experience new flavours and dishes. 

Be creative with simple ingredients. A few vegetables, some grains and local spices can create a delicious and nutritious meal.

10. Learn from Other Travellers

A group of people seated around a large table engaged in a discussion, with a man in a leather jacket in the foreground.Pin

Follow vegan travel blogs and YouTube channels for tips, destination guides and inspiration. Bloggers often share detailed experiences and recommendations. Read reviews and tips from other vegan travellers to learn about potential challenges and solutions specific to your destination. 

Join vegan meetup groups or attend vegan events in the cities you visit. This can be a great way to meet like-minded people and discover hidden vegan gems. Participate in travel forums like those on Reddit or Facebook to ask questions and share your experiences.

11. Let Food Be Part of Your Travel and Cultural Exploration

A display of various grains and pulses in bowls and jars at a market stall, with a person standing behind the counter.Pin

Look out for vegan or vegan-friendly food tours in your travel destination.  These tours often highlight the best plant-based options in the area and provide insights into the local food culture.

12. Practise Safe Eating and Drink Clean Water

A person filling a plastic bottle with water from an old outdoor faucet.Pin

Ensure you have access to clean drinking water. In some countries, it might be necessary to drink bottled water or use a portable water filter. Be cautious with raw foods, especially fruits and vegetables, that cannot be peeled or washed with safe water.

13. Observe Health Precautions

A flat lay of medical supplies on a white surface, including scissors, gauze, and various adhesive bandages.Pin

Carry a small first aid kit and any prescription medications you might need. Include over-the-counter remedies for common issues like digestive upset. 


Thriving on a vegan diet while travelling can be fun and easy with a little prep. By doing some research, packing snacks and planning your meals, you can enjoy tasty vegan food wherever you go.

Don’t forget to drink water, take your vitamins and be open to trying new things. Make friends with other vegans, join local groups and share your adventures. 

With these tips, you’ll have a great time and eat well on your trips. Happy travels!

12 thoughts on “13 Tips to Thrive on a Vegan Diet While Travelling”

  1. Just tried using apps to discover vegan spots on my recent trip, what a game-changer! Found some hidden gems I wouldn’t have otherwise. Cheers for the tip!

  2. Packing smart has always saved me from countless hungry moments during my travels. It’s amazing how a few snacks can make a huge difference. Great piece of advice!

  3. Embracing flexibility when it comes to food has led me to some of the most exquisite dining experiences around the globe. Could not agree more with this philosophy.

  4. While I appreciate the emphasis on hydration and health, it’s critical not to neglect local water safety standards in the pursuit of staying hydrated. Bottled water should be prioritized in certain destinations to avoid health risks.

  5. Integrating food into your travel and cultural exploration is an insightful suggestion. Food is indeed a vibrant doorway to understanding a culture’s history and values.

  6. Using tools to communicate dietary needs is a lifesaver. Been there, ended up with a plate of something I couldn’t eat.

  7. Learning from other travellers is the best part. Sharing vegan finds makes the journey so much richer. This section resonates deeply with me.


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