Almond Milk vs Soy Milk: Which Is Better for You?

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When choosing a plant-based milk alternative, two options often come into play: almond milk and soy milk. 

Both offer unique benefits and flavours, but which one of them truly reigns supreme for your health? 

Join us as we get into the nutritional showdown between almond and soy milk to help you make the best choice for your lifestyle and wellness goals.

First, the Nutritional Nitty-Gritty

Three cartons of Alpro Barista plant-based milk alternatives (Coconut, Soya, and another flavor) displayed on two wooden round stands in a retail setting with a glass door in the background.

First things first, let’s talk nutrition. 

Soy milk is often celebrated for its protein content. Packed with about 4.6 grams of protein per 100ml, it’s a fantastic option if you’re looking to maintain your protein intake. On the other hand, almond milk falls short in the protein department, with just about 0.64 grams of protein per 100 ml

Soy milk also contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source, which is rare in plant-based foods. Meanwhile, almond milk boasts a rich supply of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the skin and boost the immune system.

Soy milk provides a good amount of calcium, often fortified to match the levels found in cow’s milk. Almond milk is also commonly fortified with calcium and Vitamin D, but it naturally contains less than soy milk. If you rely on your milk substitute for these nutrients, this could tip the scales favouring soy milk.

Verdict: If protein is your priority, soy milk is your champion. But for a vitamin E boost, almond milk wins!

Taste Test: The Battle of the Buds

A woman and a young girl smiling and standing in a kitchen, with the woman pouring milk from a pitcher into a glass. Various baked goods such as cookies and muffins are on the counter in front of them.Pin

Taste is subjective, but it’s a crucial factor in your decision. Almond milk is often described as having a light, slightly sweet and nutty flavour. It’s perfect for adding to smoothies, coffee, or even drinking straight.

Soy milk, meanwhile, has a creamier, more neutral taste that some find a bit bean-like. However, thanks to its thicker consistency, it blends beautifully in cooking and baking. 

Some people find the taste of soy milk to be too strong when consumed on its own but love it in their morning coffee or recipes. With its subtle flavour, almond milk can sometimes be overwhelming in stronger dishes but shines in the light, refreshing drinks and cereals.

Verdict: Almond milk is your go-to if you prefer a subtle, nutty flavour. For a creamier, more versatile option, soy milk takes the cake.

Environmental Impact: Saving the Planet One Sip at a Time

Hands gently holding a round green moss ball, set against a lush green natural background.Pin

As a vegan, you’re likely passionate about the environment. So, which milk is the eco-friendlier choice?

Almond milk has a significant environmental footprint due to the large amounts of water required to grow almonds. It takes about 371 litres of water to produce just one litre of almond milk. Yikes!

Soy milk, in comparison, is more water-efficient, using approximately 28 litres of water per litre of soy milk. It also has a lower carbon footprint. However, it’s worth noting that soy farming can contribute to deforestation in certain regions. 

To make more sustainable choices, opt for organic almond milk and ensure your soy milk comes from responsible sources. Look for brands that commit to sustainable farming practices and support efforts to reduce environmental impact.

Verdict: Soy milk edges out almond milk in terms of overall environmental impact, but both have pros and cons.

Health Benefits: What’s in It for You?

A clean, minimalist setup featuring a glass carafe of milk with a wooden stopper and a marble bowl filled with almonds on a light gray background.Pin

Almond Milk:

  • Low in Calories: Almond milk is a great choice if you’re watching your calorie intake. A glass of unsweetened almond milk contains only about 30-50 calories.
  • Rich in Vitamins: It’s high in Vitamin E, which is great for skin health and has antioxidant properties.
  • Low in Sugar: Most almond milk brands offer unsweetened options, making it a good choice for reducing sugar intake.
  • Heart Health: Almond milk contains healthy fats to help maintain a healthy heart.

Soy Milk:

  • High in Protein: As mentioned earlier, soy milk is a protein powerhouse essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Good for Heart Health: Soy milk contains isoflavones, which have been shown to help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Bone Health: Fortified soy milk is often enriched with calcium and Vitamin D, crucial for maintaining strong bones.
  • Digestive Health: Soy milk has a good amount of fibre, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.

Verdict: Both almond milk and soy milk offer unique health benefits. Choose almond milk for lower calories and more Vitamin E and soy milk for higher protein and potential heart health benefits.

Practical Uses: Which Milk for What?

A tall glass of almond milk standing on a small pedestal, surrounded by whole almonds and almond shells, set against a light blue background.Pin

Almond Milk:

  • Smoothies: Its light texture and nutty flavour make almond milk a perfect addition to your morning smoothie.
  • Coffee: Almond milk can add a hint of sweetness to your coffee without overpowering the taste.
  • Cereal: Pour almond milk over your cereal for a delicious, slightly sweet breakfast.
  • Baking: Almond milk can be used in baking recipes to add moisture and a slightly nutty flavour.

Soy Milk:

  • Protein Shakes: Given its high protein content, soy milk is ideal for post-workout shakes.
  • Soups: Soy milk can add a creamy texture to soups without adding too many calories.
  • Pancakes and Waffles: For a delicious, dairy-free breakfast, substitute soy milk for dairy milk in pancake or waffle batter.
  • Salad Dressings: Create creamy salad dressings by mixing soy milk with ingredients like lemon juice, garlic and herbs

Verdict: Use almond milk for lighter, sweeter dishes and soy milk for creamy, protein-rich recipes.

Allergies and Intolerances: What to Watch For


One crucial consideration is allergies and intolerances. 

Almond milk is obviously off the table if you have a nut allergy. Conversely, some people may be allergic to soy or find it harder to digest.

Almond and soy milk are excellent alternatives for those with lactose intolerance, as they are naturally lactose-free. However, individuals with a history of thyroid issues might need to moderate their soy intake due to its potential to interfere with thyroid function.

Verdict: Always check for allergies and choose the milk that’s safest for you.

The Final Sip: Which Milk Reigns Supreme?

So, almond milk vs. soy milk – which is better? The answer depends on your personal needs and preferences! 

  • For Protein: Soy milk.
  • For Lower Calories: Almond milk.
  • For Creaminess: Soy milk.
  • For Light, Nutty Flavour: Almond milk.
  • For Environmental Concerns: Soy milk edges out, but generally, both are considered organic and sustainable options.

In the end, both almond and soy milk have unique benefits. The best choice is the one that fits your lifestyle and nutritional needs. So, why not give both a try and see which you prefer?

Closing Thoughts

Whether you choose almond milk or soy milk, you’re making a positive step towards a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. So pour yourself a glass and toast to your vegan adventure!

12 thoughts on “Almond Milk vs Soy Milk: Which Is Better for You?”

  1. Absolutely loving the practical uses section. Making my transition to veganism easier when I know which milk to use for my morning smoothie vs my coffee! Cheers

  2. So now drinks are saving the planet? Seems a bit of a stretch honestly. How much can switching milks actually help the enviroment?

    • Actually, dairy milk production has a significantly higher carbon footprint than plant-based milks. Every little change counts towards a healthier planet.

  3. Taste Test section is a winner! Been arguing with my mates about this for ages, gonna share this with them as proof I’m right haha.

  4. Spot on with the nutritional info. Nice to see how almond and soy stack up against each other, helps with meal preps.

  5. The section on allergies and intolerances is crucial. It’s important for substitutions to be safe for everyone. Well done on highlighting this.

  6. Thinking about the environmental impact section, if a soybean and an almond were to debate, who would win? It’s a ponder for the ages.

  7. Oh great, another thing to argue about at brunch. As if gluten wasn’t enough, now it’s almond vs soy milk. Cheers to that.

  8. To almond, or to soy? That is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous allergies…


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