The Little-Known Food Combinations That Could Improve Your Vegan Nutrition

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Becoming vegan is a fantastic journey, but it can be tricky. Curious about the little-known food combinations that could enhance your vegan nutrition? You’re in the right place! 

Protein Power Combos

Protein is essential and getting enough on a vegan diet is easier than you think!

1. Beans and Rice

Here’s the part that everyone misses… Combining beans and rice creates a complete protein, giving your body all the essential amino acids it needs.

Recipe Idea: Try a hearty bean and rice burrito. Add some salsa and avocado for extra flavour! Or make a classic comfort food like rice and bean bowls with a side of sautéed veggies.

2. Hummus and Whole Wheat Pitta

A bowl of homemade hummus garnished with chickpeas and paprika, served with pita bread on a wooden surfacePin

Hummus isn’t just a tasty dip; it’s a nutritional powerhouse. Paired with a whole wheat pitta, it makes a perfect snack.

Snack Hack: Slice some veggies and dip them in hummus for a crunchy, satisfying treat. You can also spread hummus on a whole wheat wrap and fill it with your favourite veggies for a quick lunch.

Boost Your Calcium

Worried about getting enough calcium without dairy? No problem! Certain food combos can help.

3. Almonds and Kale

Almonds are rich in calcium and kale is packed with them, too. Together, they’re a calcium dream team.

Tip: Toss some almonds into your kale salad for a calcium boost. Or blend them into a green smoothie for a nutritious start to your day.

4. Sesame Seeds and Broccoli

Charred broccoli florets sprinkled with sesame seeds in a stoneware bowl, with a wooden spoon placed on topPin

Sprinkle sesame seeds on your steamed broccoli. This combo not only tastes great but also helps you absorb more calcium.

Recipe Idea: Make a sesame broccoli stir-fry. Easy and nutritious! You can also add tofu to the stir-fry for an extra protein kick.

Iron-Clad Combinations

Iron is crucial, especially for new vegans. Here’s how to ensure you’re getting enough.

5. Lentils and Lemon

Lentils are a fantastic iron source and a squeeze of lemon juice enhances iron absorption.

Recipe Idea: Cook lentils with garlic and onions, then finish with a splash of lemon juice. Or try a lentil soup with a touch of lemon to brighten up the flavours.

6. Chickpeas and Tomatoes

A white bowl of lentil soup on a matching white plate, served with a lemon wedgePin

Chickpeas are packed with iron. Pair them with tomatoes for a tasty and iron-rich meal.

Recipe Idea: Make a chickpea and tomato stew. Comforting and healthy! You can also make a quick chickpea salad with diced tomatoes, cucumbers and a lemon-tahini dressing.

See more chickpea recipes here.

Omega-3 Essentials

Omega-3s are important for brain health. Here’s how to get them without fish.

7. Chia Seeds and Berries

Two glasses of chia pudding topped with raspberries, blueberries, and mint leaves, with additional berries scattered aroundPin

Chia seeds are loaded with omega-3s. Mix them with berries for a powerful breakfast.

Breakfast Bowl: Combine chia seeds, almond milk and fresh berries. Let it sit overnight for a perfect morning meal. You can also add a bit of maple syrup for sweetness.

8. Flaxseeds and Oatmeal

Ground flaxseeds are an excellent omega-3 source. Add them to your morning oatmeal for a boost.

Morning Routine: Sprinkle ground flaxseeds on your oatmeal with a drizzle of maple syrup. You can also add nuts and fruits for extra flavour and nutrients.

Fun and Easy Snacks

Snacking can be healthy and fun! Here are some ideas to keep you satisfied.

9. Apple Slices and Peanut Butter

Sliced red apples with dollops of peanut butter, presented on a wooden board with whole apples and a small bowl of peanut butter in the backgroundPin

This classic combo is not only tasty but also packed with nutrients. Here’s the thing, though…make sure the peanut butter you use is manufactured in a facility that processes animal products!

Snack Time: Slice an apple and dip it in natural peanut butter. Crunchy and delightful! You can also sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top for added flavour.

10. Carrot Sticks and Guacamole

Guacamole isn’t just for crisps. Pair it with carrot sticks for a nutritious snack.

Crunch and Munch: Dip your carrot sticks in guacamole for a satisfying crunch. You can also try this with other veggies like bell peppers or cucumber slices.

Superfood Combos

Combining superfoods can take your nutrition to the next level. Here are a few combos to try.

11. Quinoa and Black Beans

Sliced red apples with dollops of peanut butter, presented on a wooden board with whole apples and a small bowl of peanut butter in the backgroundPin

Quinoa is a complete protein and black beans are packed with fibre and iron. Together, they’re a nutritional powerhouse.

Recipe Idea: Make a quinoa and black bean salad with corn, avocado and a lime dressing. It’s perfect for lunch or dinner.

12. Sweet Potatoes and Black Beans

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and black beans add a punch of protein and fibre.

Recipe Idea: Bake a sweet potato and top it with black beans, salsa and a dollop of guacamole. Voila! It’s a meal that’s both satisfying and nutritious.

Hydration and Health

Staying hydrated is key, but did you know you can boost your hydration with certain foods?

13. Cucumber and Mint

Two glasses of water infused with cucumber, lemon, and mint, placed on a wooden table with a sliced lemon and cucumber next to themPin

Cucumbers are high in water content and mint adds a refreshing twist.

Hydration Hack: Make a cucumber and mint-infused water. It’s a delicious way to stay hydrated throughout the day!

14. Watermelon and Lime

Watermelon is another hydrating fruit and a squeeze of lime enhances its flavour.

Summer Snack: Enjoy a bowl of watermelon with a squeeze of lime juice on a hot day. It’s refreshing and hydrating.


With these little-known food combinations, you’ll not only enhance your nutrition but also enjoy every bite. Ready to transform your health with simple, tasty changes? Give these tips a try and watch your vegan lifestyle flourish!

11 thoughts on “The Little-Known Food Combinations That Could Improve Your Vegan Nutrition”

  1. Really appreciated the section on Protein Power Combos. Beans and rice have been a staple in my meal prep, but I never considered pairing hummus with whole wheat pita as a protein source. Thanks for the great tips!

  2. absolutely love the sound of carrot sticks and guacamole, gonna try it for my next snack time. easy and sounds delish!

  3. can anyone tell me if it’s easy to grow kale at home? love the idea of almonds and kale for boosting calcium.

  4. While I support the idea of Omega-3 Essentials, it’s crucial to source chia seeds and berries that are organic and sustainably farmed. We must consider the environmental impact of our dietary choices.

  5. Is it just me or do sweet potatoes and black beans sound like the comfort food of the gods? Need to know how to prep this without ruining my budget pls.

  6. Spot on with the flaxseeds and oatmeal for Omega-3s. Tried it this morning before my run, felt like I could go for miles. Keep these tips coming!

  7. Intrigued by the combination of lentils and lemon for iron absorption. Does the vitamin C in lemon significantly increase the iron uptake from lentils?

  8. sure, these combos sound healthy but who’s got the time to prepare all this? Most of us are lucky to grab a toast in the morning.

  9. Fascinating list. However, it’s important to note that not all sources of protein or calcium are created equal. The bioavailability of nutrients from plant-based sources can vary significantly compared to animal-based sources.


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